Thursday, August 15, 2013

Since having my son in March I have learned so much its amazing! I think I may have learned as much as he has or more and he is a smart little guy! One of the first things I learned is how bad it hurts when your children are in pain, sick or hurting and that is where my blog leads me today. I remember my son having to go to the NICU and stay for the first 21 days of his life and it was so awful! I cried and was so nervous and hated leaving him there and having to come home without him, but I also knew that there were qualified people doing what was best for him there and that until he was better it was the best place for him. Then we got to bring him home and I was scared to death the first few days- here was this tiny little fragile life in my arms and he was depending on me and my husband, Chris, for everything and we haden't even been around a baby at all in close to 20 years! I was so afraid I would do something wrong  and hurt him or since I am a breastfeeding mom, he wasen't getting enough to eat and I cant count how many times an hour I would check to make sure he was still breathing! Soon things calmed down a little and I wasen't so terrified of most of it anymore, but I think we all as parents are always wondering if we are making the best choices and doing all we can do and doing it right for our children. I learned quickly to get brave, though and speak up for my son when I thought he needed something or I didn't think something was right when dealing with caregivers like doctors and insurance companies. I was always afraid to speak up for myself when it came to issues with doctors thinking they were right and that I was wrong or just obsessing over something that was no big deal but that was when it was myself, now its my son and its an entire different story! I think as parents we learn what is common for our kids and when we see things happening that make us know that they are having issues with sickness or pain and we express these issues with doctors then we should be listened to and not just blown off. We know our children better than anyone, we take care of them day and night and as a mothers (and fathers) we have motherly (and fatherly) instincts that tell us things that we just know are important, so when we are told that there is nothing to worry about or to just wait it out I feel like either I am not being listened to or they just are to busy to accurately spend the time to find out what is really causing what is making me be concerned! I learned that even though I like liked the doctor my son has, sometimes you have to do what you think is best for your child and I think that if his doctor is not willing to find out what is wrong with him, or if she isen't able to and she is not willing to send him to someone else who can, that I no longer have faith in her as a doctor and its time to get a new one until I feel like he is in good hands. I have been dealing with all of this and had to learn to trust my feelings and make decisions that others wont like to do whats best for him. So this was my learning experience this week and it had made me braver and a better parent. I have went from not being sure of what I was doing in the first days to being more confident in how I care for him and expecting more out of others as well. I learn something new every day of my life and I have to say that what I am learning being a mommy is some of the most rewarding lessons of my life. 
I also want to take a minuet here and add a blog comment about Nuby USA products being some of our favorite products and I love that they are always having giveaways! Thanks Nuby!


  1. Very well written my love! I agree and feel much the same way when it comes to our sweet,smart baby boy,Brighton!I know you'll do well on your blog and even though I know all this,it's still enjoyable to read it,lol. Love you and Brighton.Your loving husband,Chris

    1. thank you my love- I can always count on you for support!
